Severe Winter Leads to Fish Winterkill
Posted by Kenny murphy on on 24th Mar 2014
I can't tell you how many calls we have received already about fish kills this winter in their ponds and lakes. With the extreme cold, thick ice, and heavy snow cover this winter in many parts of the country, winterkill will be an unwelcome but, most likely, a common occurrence this spring as ponds open in the north. The sight of even a partial winterkill to fish in your pond can be devastating as well as motivating to prevent it from happening again. We have already heard of numerous reports of dead fish under the ice here in the North Central region and North East of the U.S. caused by winterkill this season.
Robust-Aire Aeration Systems or Kasco Marine De-icers (aerators on Universal Dock Mounts) can assist in improving fish health and preventing winterkill from destroying the fish populations in your pond.
For our folks in the south, now is the time to make sure your equipment is in good working condition before the real heat gets here. Remember, we service all Kasco Marine Aerating fountains, and surface aerators. Check out our Kasco Marine repair Services page or give us a call with any pond or lake management questions.